Advertising & Marketing Strategy


Think strategically before acting creatively.

Visual Intelligence keeps our clients’ brands healthy and protects their turf. Our advertising and marketing strategy captures attention, stimulates interest, and effects intended behavior. Working in harmony with a brand creative strategy, our ability to execute great advertising drives awareness and promotes our clients as category leaders, makes them more competitive, and builds brands that are remarkable.

Marketing guru and prolific author, Seth Godin, reminds us that owning a purple cow in a pasture of ordinary cows is the only way to garner lasting attention for your brand. An advertising program should complement your other branding activities in ways that differentiate your cow from all others in the field, especially when all the other cattle pretty much look alike.

Awareness building in any form is often the fastest means to alerting, stimulating interest, and causing your customers to act with real intent. Effective advertising can convince your prospect that there is really nothing else quite like your product or service. If planned and executed properly, being remarkable isn’t so difficult, especially when all the other competitors farming for new customers having nothing close to your purple cow.

Everyone knows the best brand wins in the marketplace since most people want to buy the better product [provided they know it’s the better product]. Yet, often the leading brand is not necessarily the best product. They may just be the better marketer of that product in the category in which they compete. So, like your brand, your advertising and marketing strategy must be extraordinary. It must drive curiosity, educate, differentiate, and invite one to act. Remember, a mediocre, unexceptional print ad, for example, has the same insertion cost as one that arrests, provokes, and creates a lasting impression. Your marketing budget is precious. Make sure your advertising does not sell you short.