Your Brand Has Value. Meet the Brand Design Team That Knows Creative Matters.

About Us

Catapult is all about building our clients’ brands and moving them forward. Using our proprietary process, Visual Intelligence, we help our clients think strategically before acting creatively—to transform their businesses into remarkable brands that enable them to meet their objectives and generate long-term value.

It’s a business philosophy that reflects our client relationships and our employees—those we hire and the business environment we’ve cultivated. Our designers, art directors, and project managers understand the power of effective branding. They know how to evaluate the implications of a marketing plan—to be able to think analytically and not just creatively. In other words, they know how to think and execute with both sides of their brains.

Our Team

Dave Duke

Principal | Marketing Director

Ally Franzone

Office Manager & Bookkeeper

Pete Jones

Pete Jones

Principal | Art Director

Art Lofgreen

Principal | Creative Director